Who We Are
Cub Scout Pack 55 in Chesterfield, NJ is chartered by the Crosswicks Community Association and is a member of the Pinelands District, which is part of the Garden State Council and brings the scouting experience to boys and girls grades K-5. Most of our Cubs move up to Troop 55 of Crosswicks, NJ.
The Pack’s Charter was granted on December 1, 1965, providing the youth of Chesterfield Township with opportunities for outdoor activities, projects, sports, academics and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families and our community teach basic core American values such as honesty, tolerance, work ethic, good citizenship, leadership and respect.
The Pack currently has over 40 scouts from grades K to 5 registered, and we are always welcoming new boys and girls to join us from Chesterfield and the surrounding Northern Burlington communities.
For the latest info, follow us on Facebook
Parents play a very large part in helping their children advance through the program, and volunteer to lead the group. At a minimum, all volunteers are required to complete Youth Protection training through Scouting America and also a background check. Leaders are also expected to complete role specific training. The Pack is broken down into Dens according to Cub Scout ranks and their grade in school.
A Cubmaster leads the Pack and runs the Pack meetings for the scouts. The Committee Chair covers all the administrative items behind the scenes. The Cubmaster and Committee Chair together set the calendar and pack meeting ideas. The Den leaders coordinate and manage the Dens' actions and activities.
Dens are assigned by grade level, and have at least one dedicated Den Leader.
Dens meet at least once a month to complete their required achievement activities. The Den meetings are usually held at the Crosswicks Community House.
Once a month, all Scouts participate in Pack meetings held at the Chesterfield Elementary School or another local spot, depending on the activity. Pack meetings provide an opportunity for the sharing of information on Pack activities, awarding deserving Scouts with achievement badges and loops, learning from “show and tells” or guest speakers and having fun through skits and games.
Throughout the year various activities are held that involve the entire Pack. Typical activities planned during a year include camping trips, baseball games, community cleanup day, decorating the graves of Veterans, hikes, fishing a movie night and the ever popular Pinewood Derby Races just to name a few. Refer to the Pack 55 Calendar of Events for details on when these and other events will take place.
Interested in Joining?
New members can join anytime during the year, but the program runs mainly during the school year (Sept-June). If you join mid-year we will do our best to catch your child up with the rest of the scouts. New members are welcome to join anytime by coming to a meeting.
For more info, please fill out this form or email us and we will get back to you!